Bento Classes

Change how you think about lunch!  Learn to prepare lunches that indulge all the senses.  Play with your food and discover new ways of packing your meals.  Bento lunches are perfect for all age groups from preschool to retirement.

Class Types:

I offer two types of classes.  Formal classes are open to the public and are taught in places such as churches, schools and community centers. These classes are posted on the main page and registration is open to anyone who wishes to attend.  Participants can register through the link provided in the post to the Bento Anarchy ecrater site.

Home classes are taught in the residence of a hostess/host and are not open to the public.  The hostess/host invites participants to join the class.  These participants receive emails with a link to the registration page on the Bento Anarchy ecrater site.  Home classes are cheaper for the participants because there is no need for facility rental as there is with the Formal classes.  The best part is that the hostess/host gets the class for free, including their bento kit!

There is no difference in the class content between the formal class and the home class.  Both types of classes require registration through the ecrater site and both must have a minimum of five registered participants.  If you would like to host a Home class, please email me so that we can set up a day and time.

Basic Bento Class -
The basic class covers an overview of different types of bento boxes, tools and techniques.  This class is designed to give a beginner the solid skills and inspirational ideas to start packing bento lunches on their own.  A few simple Japanese recipes are presented but the class mostly focuses on using American foods to pack healthy lunches quickly.  Each participant receives a bento kit which is included in the cost of the class. We will use these bento boxes and accessories in the class so that everyone has hands-on practice!  Register here.

Character Bento Class -
Incredibly cute Japanese style Character lunches, charaben, are ... incredible!  Imagine all the creativity you can pour into lunch.  Bears, bunnies, pigs, pandas!  This class will get you started with tips and techniques for making the cutest lunches you've ever eaten.  Learn how to make egg sheets for decoration, shape onigiri into animals and so much more.  Each participant receives a character bento kit with decorative tools.

Traditional Bento Class -

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